Our Caviars

Luckily, the best caviar is
within reach 

TheCaviarHouse is at the forefront of caviar’s new culinary moment. We want beautifully cured caviar to feel less like a splurge, more like an everyday delight. Its versatility and addictive flavour profile are matched only by its abundant health benefits.  

How we offer exceptional caviar at great value? We work directly with reputable farms to purchase large quantities at a better value, and pass those savings on to you, caviar lovers. As it should be.  


Pass the champagne. This is truly something to celebrate.



Pure caviar, without preservatives

TheCaviarHouse offers caviar which is preserved using the traditional Malossol method (meaning “lightly salted”) a unique
model of curation that enhances the flavour of the caviar and also keeps it fresh, without chemical additives and preservatives (such as Borax E285). 




Kaluga Hybrid Reserve Royal Ossetra Beluga Reserve

The royal union of that Kaluga and Shassetra sturgeons makes for an exceptional caviar celebrated for its beautifully balanced flavour.

Known for its distinct, mild flavour, the palate fills with creamy and buttery flavors with each individual grain.

Ossetra has long been hailed as one of the most coveted varieties of caviar since it was originally found in the Caspian Sea.

These delightfully firm roe are best known for their nutty flavour and dark colour-ranging from black to dark brown with flecks of gold and jade.

Beluga Reserve is an exceptional caviar of a generous size, fine texture and colour varying from light to deep grey.

Beluga caviar's taste lingers in the mouth. Its sweet notes follow the subtle notes of hazelnuts and end with a symphony of flavours. 

Use Beluga Reserve caviar to create the finest dishes ever known!

